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Price in Shekels
Paying in Shekels?
To make your purchase in Shekels, please PAY with BIT or PAYBOX to: 972-54-656-5192
Prices in shekels are listed on each individual item.
See our home page to calculate shipping charges
60 ₪
Buy A Kit,
Sponsor a Kit
60 ₪ plus the shekel equivilalent of $10
Assembled Beaded Bracelet
65 ₪
Buy a Bracelet,
Sponsor a Bracelet Kit
65 ₪ plus the shekel equivalent of $10
7" Sterling Silver Cable Chain Bracelet
185 ₪
Buy a Bracelet and Sponsor a Kit*
185 ₪ plus the shekel equivalent of $10
* beaded kit
8: Sterling Silver Cable Chain Bracelet
190 ₪
Buy a Bracelet and Sponsor a Kit*
190 ₪ plus the shekel equivalent of $10
*beaded kit
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